Imam Sadiq (AS): Wearing linen clothes makes the body fat. Hazrat Ali (AS): Wear the cotton community, which is the clothing of the Messenger of God and the clothing of our Ahl al-Bayt. The Holy Prophet (PBUH): Wear white society, which is the best and purest of colors, and bury your dead in it. Imam Sadiq (AS): Dark red society hates to wear it, except for newlyweds. Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS): It is not permissible for women to look like men because the Messenger of God (PBUH) cursed men who look like women and cursed women who look like men in wearing clothes. Hazrat Ali (AS): Wearing underwear standing up causes sadness. Hazrat Sadiq (pbuh): The best color for shoes and soles is yellow. Hazrat Ali (AS): When you remove your clothes from your body, say in the name of Allah so that the jinn don’t wear it, otherwise the jinn will wear it until morning.
Holy Prophet (PBUH): O Ali Jan, wear a ring on your right hand so that you will be close. They asked me what kind of ring I should wear, and they said red agate. Hazrat Reza (pbuh): An agate ring eliminates poverty and dervishness, and holding an agate removes hypocrisy. Hazrat Sadiq (A.S.): Take a ring whose jewel is agate, because a person will not be disturbed and the end of his work will be good. Hazrat Musa Kazem (A.S.): Wearing a yellow ring in one’s hand brings ease without any difficulty. Imam Sadiq (a.s.): Whoever wears a turquoise ring on his hand should not be poor.The Holy Prophet (PBUH) says: God Almighty says that I am ashamed of a hand raised to me in supplication with a turquoise ring on it, so I turn him back disappointed. Hazrat Sadiq (A.S.): Wearing saramah at night benefits the eyes and is an adornment during the day. Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.): Cerumen makes the mouth fragrant, strengthens the eyelashes and increases the strength of intercourse. Holy Prophet (PBUH): If you are full, eat something that makes you pee. Imam Musa Kazem (AS): If people are moderate in eating, their bodies will always be healthy.Imam Musa Kazem (AS): Don’t stop eating at night, even if it’s a piece of dry bread, which makes the body strong and sexual intercourse strong. Hazrat Ali (A.S.): Let the food cool because the blessing is in cold food. Hazrat Ali (AS): Do not eat unless you are hungry and stop eating if you still feel like it and chew your food well and always go to the toilet before going to sleep. If someone observes these issues, he will no longer need a doctor. The Holy Prophet (PBUH): Never lean on your left or right side while eating. Hazrat Ali (AS): There is no fear of eating while walking. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Eat salt at the beginning and end of the meal, so that whoever starts and ends the meal with salt, may God almighty remove from him seventy types of calamities, the easiest of them. Hazrat Ali (AS):When eating, start with Basma… and when you finish, say Alhamdulillah. Whoever does this should never be asked about that food. Hazrat Sadiq (pbuh): Zamzam water is a cure for any pain. Hazrat Sadiq (a.s.): Whoever has sexual intercourse with his wife while he is pregnant, the resulting child is illegitimate. Hazrat Sadiq (a.s.): Do not have sexual intercourse in the first month, in the middle of the month, and at the end of the month, which will cause the child to miscarry, or become insane, or have epilepsy. You don’t see that the person who gets epilepsy is mostly either at the beginning of the month or at the end of the month. Hazrat Musa Kazem (a.s.): They asked what would happen if the garment was removed from a man and a woman until the state of intercourse, and he said, “It is not with whom.” Hazrat Sadiq (a.s.): They asked him if someone undresses his wife and looks at her as she is. He said that there is no better pleasure than this. Imam Reza (AS):They asked the Holy Prophet if someone undresses his wife and looks at her as she is. He said that there is no better pleasure than this. Imam Reza (a.s.): They asked about intercourse in the bathroom, and he said, “Not with whom?” Hazrat Sadiq (a.s.): He said that our enemy is not the Ahl al-Bayt except the one whose mother is pregnant during her period. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Do not have sexual intercourse with your wife unless you have a handkerchief of your own and she has a handkerchief of her own, and do not both clean yourselves with the same handkerchief, otherwise enmity will be found between you and eventually lead to separation. kills The Holy Prophet (PBUH): Do not have sexual intercourse on the roof, lest if a child befalls me, he will be a hypocrite, usurer, and heretic. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Do not have sexual intercourse on the night of Eid-ul-Fitr, if a child is born, many evils will appear from him. O Ali, don’t have intercourse under a fruit-bearing tree, because if I have a child, it will be an executioner and a killer of people. Holy Prophet (PBUH): O Ali, have sexual intercourse on Tuesday night, so that if I have a child after the blessing of Islam, he will be provided for, and his mouth will be sweet, his heart will be kind, his hand will be gentle, and his tongue will be free from backbiting and blasphemy.The Holy Prophet (PBUH): Have sexual intercourse on the night of Doshna, so that if I have a child, he will memorize the Qur’an and be pleased with God’s portion. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Have sexual intercourse on Friday night, so that if you have a child, he will be an orator and speaker, and if you have intercourse on Friday night after Asr, and you have a child, he will be one of the wise men of the city. Prophet (PBUH): A man saying to his wife that I love you will never leave his heart. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: The husband’s right over the wife is that it is not recommended to fast or leave the house without the husband’s permission.She should wear the most beautiful clothes and the best ornaments for her husband at home and perfume herself and offer herself to him every morning and evening so that if she wants to have intercourse, she should not hesitate. And she should not give anything to anyone without permission, and if she does, it is a sin for the woman and her reward is for the husband, and she should not sleep any night when the husband is angry with her. The woman said: O Messenger of God! Even if her husband has wronged her. They said: Yes. Imam Sadiq (a.s.): Any woman whose husband is offended by her, her prayer should not be accepted in order to satisfy her husband. Imam Sadiq (a.s.): The jihad of a woman is to have a good husband. Imam Musa Kazem (AS): One of the blessings of a woman is that she spends little and gives birth easily. Prophet (PBUH): Any woman who serves her husband for seven days, God will close the seven doors of hell on her and open the eight doors of heaven for her so that she can enter through any door she wants. The Holy Prophet (PBUH): A woman who gives water to her husband should pray for him for a year, and a city will be built for him in heaven, and his sixty sins will be forgiven. Prophet (PBUH): Blessed is the woman whose husband is pleased with her. The Holy Prophet (PBUH): There are three women from whom the Almighty will remove the torment of the grave, and their marriage will be with Fatima Zahra (PBUH).. First: Patience against the husband’s zeal. Second: Be patient with the bad behavior of the man. Third: A woman who is forgiving and kind to her husband. Hazrat Ali (A.S.): Do not leave the dustpan in the house at night and take it outside, because the devil will have a place in it. The Holy Prophet (PBUH): The house of Satan in your houses is the place where spiders live. So remove them that cause poverty and distress. Imam Reza (a.s.): When you want to go to the bath and do not get a headache or a cold, drink five sips of warm and clean water after going in. By the permission of the Almighty, you will be safe from headache and temple pain. chill Imam Sajjad (a.s.): Do not clean the bones well at the table, that is a portion of the jinn’s quota, and if it is cleaned well, they will take something from your house that is better than that amount. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.): Every servant who drinks water and worships Imam Hussain (a.s.) and his family and curses the killers of that Imam, the Almighty will write a hundred thousand good deeds for him and cleanse him of a hundred thousand sins and a hundred thousand raise the rank for him and make it such that he has freed a hundred thousand slaves. Hazrat Tasadiq (a.s.): Before drinking water, say in the name of Allah and take a sip, and he should say Alhamdulillah, then say again in the name of Allah and drink, and after eating, say Alhamdulillah, and as long as the water is in his stomach, he will say the praises of God, and his reward will be for him.The Holy Prophet (PBUH): On the night of Ascension, I saw some of my Ummah in severe torment. I saw a woman hanging by her hair, her brain was boiling. I asked her what she did. And I saw a woman whose flesh was being cut with fiery scissors. I said what she did.Holy Prophet (PBUH): When you see women making their heads like the humps of camels, curse them because they are known and their prayers are not accepted. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Anyone who deliberately abandons prayer is a disbeliever. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: At the time of prayer, a man calls out in front of the people, O people, stand up to the fire that you have kindled on your backs due to sin, so put it out with prayer. Imam Sajjad (AS): When you stand for prayer, do it as if it is your last prayer. Imam Reza (AS): Prayer is the best of actions and the foundation and pillar of your religion. Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.): Nothing rubs the devil’s nose on the ground like prayer, so pray and rub the devil’s nose on the ground. Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.): He who delays the prayer of his companion until the stars disappear is a cripple. Source: Spiritual treasures